Using microk8s with Open Bank Project¶
For running locally, install
1. Start microk8s, enable addons, and deploy¶
1 2 3 4 | # Start your local microk8s environment (you might prefer to use minikube)
microk8s.enable dns dashboard registry #Only needed once
2. Deploy the manifests¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | # Deploy open bank project
kubectl apply -f obpapi_k8s.yaml
# Output:
service/obpapi-service created
deployment.apps/obp-deployment created
service/postgres-service created
deployment.apps/obp-postgres created
persistentvolumeclaim/postgres created
Minikube notes¶
To view OBP interface locally, you must use the command: minikube service obpapi-service which will map ports and open a web browser pointing to the obp service.
Additionally, you may need to change the obpapi-service type from LoadBalancer to NodePort, since on your local machine you may not have a default loadbalancer defined on your kubernetes instance. To do this, you can do kubectl edit service obpapi-service and edit the associated LoadBalancer to NodePort and remove the assigned port. Or, simply delete the deployment and start fresh with NodePort in the manifest.